
Steps to ensure successful CRM implementation

Apr 3, 2020

Do you know according to a study conducted by Salesforce: when a CRM is implemented successfully, it can help increase your sales by 29% and sales productivity up to 34%?

Interesting facts, right? Yes, numbers never lie. Implementing a CRM can bring forth huge difference in your business in terms of productivity and success!

But to implement a CRM system successfully is a huge challenge for any organization. The challenges involved in the CRM implementation can be avoided with the right kind of planning and strategy.

Migrating to a cloud-based CRM system can be smooth and seamless if the following steps can be followed:

Select the Right CRM

The first thing that you must consider before implementing a CRM is: to have a holistic understanding of your business goals and objectives.

After you have figured out the main goals and needs, you must move forward and ask the next set of questions which would allow you to make the right choice!

“What do I want to accomplish with a CRM?”

“Does my company need to advance its customer relationship management strategy?”

“Does my company need an industry-specific CRM?”

These questions would help you in evaluating your needs and act accordingly. Also, you must take your time in researching and finding out which CRM software best suits your needs. You might also want to take into consideration other factors while choosing a CRM for your business: whether it is cost effective, customizable and practical for your business or not?

Plan to Cope up with the Changes

After the implementation of the CRM successfully, there will be some major changes in your business. So, how would you cope up? If you can anticipate these changes then you can find out possible solutions.

Also, you can break down the whole process into the following small manageable stages:

  • Implementing the system
  • User training
  • Testing the system
  • Complete adaptation

Inform and Involve Your Team

A CRM is designed to manage data and smoothens your communication among various groups. But will this ensure success?

Of course not.

In fact, 47% to 63% of all CRM implementation results in failure and one of the main reasons for this is lack of adaptation.

Your team and how open they are in using the system determine that success – whether the company objectives are met or not!

Hence, involving your team at the very beginning of the process will help them see the benefits of the system and get their buy-in.

Find Out What Works for Your Business

Every business is unique and so is their goals and needs. Hence, the success of CRM does not end at implementation of the software! To measure the success and progress of your new initiative, you must set certain metrics and analytics.

You might get an idea about how well your CRM is performing from the questions:

Is the software meeting the expectations?

Is the software giving the needed visibility into the progress of your CRM-based objectives?

The answer to these questions would give you better insights. Depending on the situation you can act accordingly, you will know if your CRM needs to be adjusted or not to match the needs of your business. Accordingly, it can be customized and made industry specific!

Add Data to Your CRM

Before shifting to CRM, you must be possibly keeping track of customer data manually or in spread sheets or in emails. Now, after implementing the CRM, it is time to sync everything to the new software. Migration of all your data into CRM system is crucial.

This will ensure that you are fully utilizing the software to your benefit.

Last Words

To utilize the CRM to its full potential it needs to be implemented successfully.

And for this purpose, it is always advisable to trust the implementation experts. Implementation of a CRM involves several stages and each stage must be handled with utmost care.

For further details and consultation schedule an online meeting with our experts now!


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