
Looking for a Real Estate Agency CRM to Manage Your Business? Here’s What You Need to Know!

Apr 18, 2017


As an industry, real estate agency has highly diversified requirements from that of any other business. Therefore, when it comes to selecting a CRM system, the generic rules for choosing the right CRM often do not hold true for the industry.

With a large number of property-inventory to maintain, longer sales cycles to take care of and numerous owners, buyers and renters to manage, a real estate agency CRM has special requirements for smooth operation.

So, before you zero in on a real estate agency CRM, here are some industry characteristics that you need to take into account:

  • Identifiable B2C and B2B traits
  • Higher lead-to-conversion time
  • Negligible repeat customer
  • Referrals are major lead source
  • Diverse customer profile (in terms of income, age, educational background etc.)

The perfect CRM for real estate agencies takes all these factors into consideration and streamlines your business process, making it easier for you to scale.

How to find the perfect CRM for your real estate agency business? Ask the following questions!

#1 Does it have a powerful contact management system?

Contacts are often the bread and butter of a real estate agent and thus, this feature should be your top priority!

As a real estate agency, you deserve an intuitive CRM system that segregates leads, clients, agents, partners etc. Not only that, room for further segregation such as area-wise client segmentation or interest-wise lead sub-categories must be there.

This way you can easily target a specific group of contacts and create targeted activities.

For example, with a powerful contact management system, you can segregate your leads in terms of their purchase interest (i.e. interested in a villa, a house or an apartment), geographical area, activity records (i.e. whether the lead is hot or inactive for some time) etc. This way you can easily create specific events and activities to target each specific group. You may organize a high profile open-house event for hot leads looking at purchasing a big house in a particular locality, while setting up an e-mail campaign to reach out to your cold inactive leads and gain back their confidence. The minute segregation and categorization lets you optimize the use of your resources to foster better customer relation and drive sales.

The powerful contact management feature gives you the opportunity to create categories and sub-categories and thus, let you create targeted content, campaigns, and activities to drive sales.

#2 Does it offer seamless integration with your website?

One of the major tasks for any real estate agency is to update their website with property details on regular basis. Also, website contact forms still remain one of the major lead sources for your business.

Thus, it is essential that you look for a real estate agency CRM that offers you complete integration with your website.

While many CRM for real estate agency offers website contact form integration for lead collection, very few lets you update your property details right from the CRM.

So, don’t settle for a CRM that offers partial integration; rather look for a system that ensures 100% website synchronization and can essentially function as the back-end of your website when it comes to updating property details.

#3 Is it cloud based?

Well, cloud-based CRM has many advantages. Starting from zero infrastructure cost till the easy customization options, cloud CRM systems are definitely changing the way businesses used to look at enterprise software.

However, when it comes to real estate agencies, the greatest functionality that cloud CRM offers is easy access. Your real estate agents move around the town and meet leads and contacts outside of office all the time. Having access to the CRM system from anywhere and everywhere will let them take a quick look at the data and drive an information-based conversation.

Moreover, most cloud CRM for real estate agencies let you drag and drop property pictures and other digital documents into the system and store them in the cloud. This way, uploading new information, pictures, documents etc become super-easy for you.

#4 Is there room for further customization?

No matter how verticalized a real estate agency CRM is, as a business, you may require a little tweak here and a bit a customization there. Even if you are not looking at making the customizations today, there is always a chance that you’ll require the same once your business increases in size.

Unless and until your real estate agency CRM offers the scope of further customization, you would be stuck with a static system that is incapable of evolving with your business needs.

Of course, you don’t fancy a scenario like this!

Thus, go for a CRM system that is tailored to the requirements of real estate agency, but also offers the chance of further customization.

Over to you…..

Choosing a CRM system for your business is not easy, especially when you are considering as many factors as in the case of real estate agency.

However, keeping in mind the specific requirements of real estate industry, opting for a vertical CRM system, especially built for your industry is THE best solution, in terms of saving on huge development cost (which you otherwise incur to tailor a horizontal CRM system) and speeding up the go-live time.

Simply keep in the mind the above points and choose a system that offers industry-specific features, is easy to handle and offers the scope of further customization.

Now that you know the features to look for, take a look at our real estate agency CRM that offers you all these and more.

You can take a look at the features and request for an NO-OBLIGATION Test Drive to understand how the real estate agency CRM can make your life super-easy and help you grow your business!



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