
5 Signs Your Business Needs a Custom Application Now!

Jul 26, 2017

Let’s say, you have been running your business for quite some time now and running it successfully too!

However, with the (oh-so-sweet) growth of your business, you are finding yourself in complete chaos, more often than not!

Your business process is getting more complex and much of it is unrecorded. Your employees are constantly struggling to co-operate with each other. You are spending a significant amount of time doing repetitive tasks!

Sounds familiar?

If yes, then it may be time to consider developing a custom application for your business!

But, how to be sure about it?

Thankfully, there are some tell-a-tale signs that can tell you whether your business needs to consider custom app development or not.

So, here are 5 signs that’ll tell you whether your business needs a custom application now!

Sign 1: You (and Your Team) is Drowning in Spreadsheets

Who doesn’t love spreadsheets?

They are handy, they are quick, they are efficient and they are free! It’s no wonder that most small businesses and bootstrap start-ups around the globe manage their business on a spreadsheet during the initial days.

However, spreadsheets do have a limit!

When your business is small with just one or two employees and has a simpler business process, they may be the right fit. But, as the business grows, team members increase and services diversify, managing your business on spreadsheets become increasingly difficult.

Just think how much time you are spending in a typical work day for updating the spreadsheets, managing all the formulas for auto calculation and sending the spreadsheets to and fro. And it still may not be supporting your entire business process! And God forbid, if one of your team members commits a human error and enters a faulty data!

If this situation sounds familiar to you, then it is definitely time to call those custom application development services now!

By getting a custom application developed for your business, you’ll be streamlining your entire business process (no matter how complex or out-of-the-box it is) and will be able to save precious time and energy that you can spend churning out new ideas, acquiring more clients or may be simply having a pizza in peace!

Sign 2: You are Doing the Same Task Over and Over and Over Again

If there is a task or a bunch of tasks that you find yourself doing repetitively, it is high time to consider automating them.

The task may be as simple as entering data or sending routine emails, and complex as generating a quotation by taking several factors into consideration.

And depending on the uniqueness of your business model and niche of your industry, there is a good chance that you won’t be able to accomplish this with an off-the-shelf enterprise software.

Opting for custom app development can save you a lot of time and headache here!

With a business software developed around your unique needs and fitted with intuitive automation, you can complete those repetitive tasks in a jiffy and notch up your productivity significantly.

Sign 3: You are Using Multiple Applications and Databases to Manage Your Business

Okay, so your entire business process is supported! The only thing is, you are using a stand-alone software for tracking your sales funnel, another one to generate quotations, another one to manage your inventory and may be another one to facilitate team coordination.

And, you have my heartiest sympathies, if these applications do not ‘talk to’ each other. Life, right now, is tough-tough for you!

Just think, if you are jumbled up updating, managing and keeping track of a bunch of applications, how on earth, would you be able to get things done swiftly?

Results? Your customers are getting slower service, your team members are having poorer coordination and your business is bearing the subscription fees of multiple software programs.

No one’s gainer!

The best way to get out of this situation is to get in touch with some custom application development services and building a bespoke solution.

While most businesses avoid building a custom application for monetary investment, they end up paying a lot more for multiple software programs in the long run.

So, if you too are using a bunch of systems and maintaining multiple databases, it is time to consolidate them all into one bespoke application.

Sign 4: Your Existing Software Has Become Obsolete for Your Business

This is for those, who already have a system in place, but have out-grown the same.

Often when businesses start, a simple system that lets one track sales funnel and maintain customer data is enough for them. As the business grows and acquires more number of customers on daily basis, this off-the-shelf system that used to serve them well become obsolete.

As a result, despite having a software in place, businesses start using spreadsheets or other additional applications to manage their business process.

So, if you still have an obsolete system in place, it’s time to let it go.

By opting for a custom app made for your business, you’ll not only be able to manage your entire business process on one platform, but also have the opportunity to scale the system as your business grow!

Invest in a system that can grow with your business!

Sign 5: Despite All Your Hard Work, Your Productivity is Still Low

If you find yourself busy beyond measure all day long, and still find most of your to-do list unchecked, then it may be the result of the unorganized business process.

Between updating multiple systems, checking endless spreadsheets for errors, manual data entry and constant coordination with the various departments, business owners often find their creative juices running low.

As a result, productivity suffers, innovation dies and the business is always in a state of chaos (at best, controlled chaos).

Here, considering custom application development can go a long way in organizing your business process and in turn, scaling your business.

When you can track all your business processes in one place and coordinate seamlessly with your customers as well as with the internal team, you have time to concentrate on what matters!

Last Words

Well, if your business is showing any of the above signs at all, getting a custom application built is the best way to handle the situation.

Of course, it’ll cost you a little more than an off-the-shelf product, but investing your hard earned money in developing a custom app will streamline your business process, make your business more efficient and will offer a greater return in long run!

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